The Direct Care Way

Replay with Dr. Stephanie Oexeman She's a DPM

April 04, 2023 Tea Nguyen, DPM Season 2 Episode 60
Replay with Dr. Stephanie Oexeman She's a DPM
The Direct Care Way
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The Direct Care Way
Replay with Dr. Stephanie Oexeman She's a DPM
Apr 04, 2023 Season 2 Episode 60
Tea Nguyen, DPM

Check out this interview from the podcast She's a DPM: Coaching with Tea and Direct Care Podiatry Practice, originally aired on 10/05/2022 and still relevant! Show our DPM some love by subscribing to her podcast.

We talk about
- updates in my private practice
- how I'm helping specialists start their Direct Care journey through coaching
- private practice is not dead
- should you start with coaching?
- how do you screen a good coach?
- the most challenging part of transition from insurance to Direct Care
- the most rewarding part of Direct Care

Although the coupon code to my mini series is expired, hop on over to my Facebook group to join the live conversations or meet me on IG every Wednesday at 12:15p to ask your questions about Direct Care.

Show Notes Transcript

Check out this interview from the podcast She's a DPM: Coaching with Tea and Direct Care Podiatry Practice, originally aired on 10/05/2022 and still relevant! Show our DPM some love by subscribing to her podcast.

We talk about
- updates in my private practice
- how I'm helping specialists start their Direct Care journey through coaching
- private practice is not dead
- should you start with coaching?
- how do you screen a good coach?
- the most challenging part of transition from insurance to Direct Care
- the most rewarding part of Direct Care

Although the coupon code to my mini series is expired, hop on over to my Facebook group to join the live conversations or meet me on IG every Wednesday at 12:15p to ask your questions about Direct Care.

 Welcome to SHE A D P M, A platform for women to share their experiences, knowledge and insights on cultivating the life in and outside the field of pediatric medicine and surgery. 

Welcome back everybody to she's A D P M and we have returning guests today, Dr. T Wen. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm so excited to have you.

Thank you so much Dr. Stephanie Oexeman. I actually just love talking to you, so like I do too. I love talking to you too. This is so great. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Well I know, so you were one of my first guests, um, and we're coming up on a year of, she's a D P M episode. Yes. You know, I'm very competitive.

First of everything, happy to be here. , .

No, I love it. And for anyone that hasn't listened to her first episode, I would highly recommend it. And we talk a lot about, um, direct care in that episode. Uh, but for those who haven't yet listened, um, can you just give us a little background about yourself? Oh, yeah.

So I own my solo practice here in Santa Cruz, California, and I pivoted from the insurance-based practice into direct care, direct care. Practicing medicine without insurance, period. So it's been super nice because it's a whole nother ballgame. You know, traditional ways in practicing medicine is that we accept payments from insurance, but that payment is never a hundred percent of what you asked for.

It's a percentage, and we have to jump through the hoops of bureaucracy, paper pushers, and all of that. Ultimately harming the patient delays care, surprise bills, even financial harm that we are putting on the patient.  because we're working in this very convoluted structure. So I decided to not do any of that.

I decided to have a direct transaction with the patient and it's been really wonderful. I have no complaints about that. 

And how long have you been doing that now? 

I opened in 2018 and I pivoted right in the midst of the pandemic. I'm crazy. I know it. In 2020. So in 2020 I started to learn about direct care.

I connected with others, and then I started to slowly opt out. And there is a strategy. If you are in the insurance based practice and wanna ease out of that, you really wanna do it strategically because I've known people who kind of dropped all of their contracts and that could cause financial harm on your business.

So certainly don't do that. . 

That's a good, that's a good tip. Um, so that's what I know today. We're gonna be going into a little more on the, uh, coaching with t, which is your coaching, um, uh, business as well to help people who are wanting to move into them more, that direct care, pr, uh, pathway. So when did you start the coaching?

The coaching kind of came naturally. You know, as doctors, as surgeons, we are all educator. And I realized that it was really easy for me to help other people, whatever their struggles were. I would love to, I always put my 2 cents in. I can't help it. So , if people ask for help, I'm like, oh yeah, let me sort this out for you.

And it kind of came naturally to me to want to help other doctors because I'm like, I've always wanted to have an impact that's greater than the one-to-one interaction with. So what better way to have the impact than to influence those people who help other patients? And that's with doctors. So I'm climbing up the ladder of impact and I'm wanting to help other doctors also create their dream practice the way, kind of like how I have it, but they're gonna obviously create their own flare to it, but at least.

Deal with less insurance headaches and live their practice to its full potential and have a life outside of practicing where you don't have to worry about these enormous overheads. You don't have to worry about charting after hours. You don't need to learn another C P T code. You don't have to get an email about how to bill appropriately or up level or creative coding.

None of that. We don't, we don't play games here. So I decided to start my coaching business a year ago. It was. Legally an LLC last year, , but I kind of sat on it cuz I was like, I still have. Private practice that I'm building. And so I kind of put that on the wayside. And it was actually at the suggestion of somebody else who was like, are you looking to create your coaching program?

Or something Like, they kind of said it in a condescending way cuz they didn't like that about me. And then I was like, that's a weird seed to plant. And then I was like, well, I mean if that's how you see me, then maybe I should pursue it. And so a year ago, I, I started coaching with tea, which is a super boring name.

I know if you find a cooler, no cooler one, please help a girl out. But that's what I have legally. And then I created parts of the program to include my podcast, the direct care way to talk about the journey of direct care, that it's, it's more than just taking money from patients. Obviously , there's a whole structure to it.

and then I started, um, a group coaching program, just yes, this week was my first group coaching call, and it's so perfect. It's perfectly small. Everyone gets one-on-one attention. Whatever the challenges are in whatever phase of practice they're in. I try to help them through that so that they can have long lasting sustainable habits and thought processes that can make them truly independent when they are ready to roll.

That was a really long explanation, wasn't it? 

No, but I loved it. That's a, you, you were like on a roll and, uh, you answered like a lot of my question, my questions that I have, but one, I think it is a good name because it's, I, I think a name should be what, what you're doing, right? So it's coaching with T, so it's.

You know what you're getting into. Yeah. . And that's interesting. I, for anyone listening like similarly, like when I started, uh, she's a dpm. I sat on it for a, a while. Like, it's okay to like, get your idea, get it. Um, ,

isn't it funny how things mature? I just, when I first heard she's a dpm, I'm like that.

 Complete sense. Did you trademark it? Because if you don't I will for you, . I know you told me, you're like, Hey, get on that. You better take it. Yeah, yeah. I love it. It's beautiful. We need shirts, we're gonna have journals. We're gonna do everything with it. . 

But yeah, it's, but like, getting, using, getting that. 

um, name down and uh, in your possession is extremely important. But I think I like the name. I wouldn't change it. . That's just my opinion. Sorry, . Um, I know you're a coach now, but like, have you used a coach in the past? 

In our, I've had so many, so I've had mentors who didn't self, proclaim themselves as a coach, but they were effectively that because they showed me a lot of. That we didn't learn in medical school or training that is related to business building. So I had coaches in the past that were mentors. Mm-hmm. . Um, and it was really wonderful, but it was very, because it wasn't official, I felt, I kind of felt like I was like bothering them, you know, like a, so I invested into an actual person who was a coach, who kind of brought open the world of coaching.

Like what is that about? And it, once I got into coaching, it just totally makes.  that every physician who is going to build their practice in a profitable way to invest in a coach, much like an athlete, they also have a coach to, to push them through some of their self-created barriers. You know, self-talk, the negative talk that we have about ourselves and our potential, and I think it just really accelerates what you want and how quickly you can get there.

And you, you're doing it amongst your peers, other people who are doing the same thing. And so you open this whole window of opportunity and connections with people who are just like you. And I feel this very strongly about those who are interested in fellowship. . You know, people look at Fellowship as like a black and white thing.

Should I do it just to get the credential? And it's actually, the narrative really is who can I get connected with once I'm in where I wanna be, who are in this field? Professionals in this field, well known in this field. And business is the same way. You wanna be well connected to other business-like people so that you can just.

Build your dream practice quickly. So I had a couple of coaches and I consistently look out for coaches in developing my private practice, and they're the reason why I decided to build out my coaching business as well, because it just makes total sense that all of us, once we graduate and get our degrees and get into our jobs, whether we're working for ourselves or our employed, that we also have a high level executive coach to help.

Accelerate not just our money, but our self-confidence, our skills, and really make an impact on the world. And I think that's why we went into medicine, right? We all wanted to make a difference in our world. 

Yeah. And you're right, especially like during our training, yeah, we have our attendings and people that we can turn to, but when you're out even sometimes you lose that, um, kind of connection or yeah, you feel like you're being bothersome to maybe some people or you're like, I don't even know where to start.

So you find somebody. On the path that you want and that, that sounds like what I would be looking for, like in a coach, like somebody that's doing what I like want to do and then that can help me strategize. Getting there. 

What's really interesting is that we were, you know, in residency we have attendings. We always have someone to be looking over our shoulders, somebody to learn from.  podiatry is so special in that there is a variety of how people are practicing. You can do trauma, you can do elective stuff, you can do concierge, boutique, like there is more than just foot and ankle, surprisingly, right? . And so, in my experience of residency program, in my program, there wasn't anybody who really taught me the business stuff about their practice because the assumption.

Most graduates wanna be employed. Nobody wants the headache of business ownership. So they didn't even really bother to teach us more than you're just gonna be employed. That's just how the way the world works. And so I feel kind of like I was a little shorthanded in that experience because they own their businesses, but they weren't happy in their business because of insurances, funny enough.

Right? So they were using a model that didn't work for them. . Therefore they had a negative experience in business ownership and was like, it's a real big headache that, you know, private practice is dying. And yet here you and I sit in our own private practice and we're like, what the, what the hell are these people talking about?

It's fine. . So we just, we're smart enough to figure stuff out. We're smart enough to know that coaches exist. We're gonna find the resources, we're gonna figure out a way to make it work so it's not dead. Stop saying that. 

I know. I know. When people say that or I talk to people, they're like, well, what made you decide to own your own private practice? And I was like, . Everyone has like their own reason, but like, that's, that's my calling. Like I know it, like I know I'm not gonna fail because they're . That's, it's what was made like i, I made for that. 

Um, uh, which is totally different in my experience cuz I did not know I wanted to own my business at all. Cuz I had that impression that private practice is, , um, private practice, people do boring stuff and you can't do surgery , you know, or like you do it at a limitation. But it wasn't until I was like pushed up against the wall and I was like, well, where I, I wanna live where I wanna live. I don't wanna have to commute.

So the only alternative I had was to build my own practice. That's kind of, that was kind of an accident and, you know, it's fine. . 

It was a good accident. Yeah. Well, yeah. Throws you a lot of curve balls. Covid was, I mean, I was still in training during when Covid first started, so I didn't have to navigate that with a practice or a job.

So I can only imagine that was, um, a, a struggle. But it sounds like it led you to this path that like you're on and now, like having a successful direct care practice and coaching and sharing your knowledge now. So it's. Sometimes those unexpected curve balls that end up, uh, being hit with like a home run.

That's what a sport analogy. 

Yeah. It really, it, yeah. I, yeah. I'm not a good employee, just That's so true. .

I'm not either, don't like to be told what to do. I only  it's bad. So. Yeah. Um, okay, so back to your, your with coaching. We'll get back onto that. . If someone's looking like, you know, they've been thinking about it, they're interested it, would you recommend them going straight into coaching or is there a different, even a, a good place to start or a process that you would recommend?

Think it depends on what the goals are. What is your goal? Some people's goals is just to have a practice. They don't wanna think more beyond that. They're like, payments are good. I like the volume-based practice. You know, I just need to make money. Fine, then you're good. But people who really want to be the top in their profession.

number one, like, like I said, I'm very competitive, so I'm always trying to be the best at something, or at least the first  if I'm not the best. Um, you know, if you, you have a decided goal, then seek out a coach who does what you wanna do or has coached other people who ha who are successful. So my, my initial experience with coaching wasn't actually coaching, it was a consultant, and the consultant was not a podiatrist.

So I didn't really know what I was looking for. I only took the word of somebody else's advice was, you know, this person helped me build my practice. I recommend them. And I was like, that sounds great. Your practice looks like it's doing really well. You seem really happy. I want the same thing. And my mistake, my very first mistake in looking for somebody to help me in my private practice was looking for somebody, um, was not assessing the person on whether or not we would be a good personality.

Mix like a, a personality match. And this might be funny to a lot of people, but I only recently realized that I have a very difficult personality and my husband was like, you have always been difficult. You just didn't know it, . And so knowing that, what does that actually mean? I have a difficult personality in, in that I know what I want and I want what I want and it's really hard to tell me otherwise.

which means I need to be heard. I need for the person who's going to help me hear me first before I hear them. And I think that's most people in general, right? You need to feel like you're heard before you hear them. And so when I worked with this consultant, I thought that they would be good for everyone not realizing that I had very unique needs, that they couldn't.

meet so it was really unfair to drag them into this loophole of things that I wanted when that wasn't really their area of expertise. So my failure in that situation was not interviewing them and not realizing exactly what I wanted and, and seeing if there would be a good personality match, cuz it was awful.

It was just, there were so many layers of disappointment that I still think about it to this day. Like, how did I put myself in that situation, that costly situation. It wasn't just, Hundred dollars here and there it was thousands of dollars. And I was like, well, that, at the end of the day, that was really my fault because number one, I didn't know what I was looking for.

And then number two, I, I just needed to make sure that. It would've been a long lasting relationship that, so whoever you pick, make sure you can work with them for at least a year. , like if you can't stand to have like a meal or a coffee or even drinks with, like, maybe they're not a good fit. That's just my personal opinion on how I choose people I work with.

Um, so look for the person who helps other people do what you wanna do, and what, the person who referred me to this consultant, they, they were doing really great things, but it wasn't for me specifically. , it was for them, and I'm not them. Yeah. So that was the, the huge delineation.

So it just shows that, yeah. every coach is gonna be your coach, but there are, you just have to do a little bit of homework to find the right one that's gonna help you and your, um, goals. Mm-hmm. . So for, so, so say someone's, uh, interested in being like you being their coach. Do you offer them like a little cons, like get to know you aspect first, like a little, um, like a consult?

Yeah. So what we didn't have back then, In 2018, were all of these resources like podcasts, books, Facebook connections, you know, we didn't have any of that, so I didn't have. That resource to understand the person's way of thinking or how they spoke or how they interacted. So that's why I started my podcast, the Direct Care Way.

I started that earlier this February, so that people who are interested in direct care can kind of pre-screen me. They can listen to what I have to say, and if it resonates with them, they can hop on a call and we can do a strategy call. Where I show you exactly what you need to do to make more money now so that you create this financial cushion and then when you're ready, then you start opting out.

There's a strategy behind there. So I always invite people to listen to the podcast first because that is your interview of me on deciding if I fit what you're looking for. And from a lot of people, I'm not a good fit for people who want, uh, a quick way to make fast money. I'm not a good fit. I. , I don't know how to do that in a short period of time.

This is a game for the long run. Hmm. Or people who just love insurance and they're like, what El? How else can I make money? I'm not a good fit cuz I hate working with insurance. I'm not doing it anymore. . So that's one way to really screen who you want to work with is what resources are they putting out?

And I'm putting out a bunch of stuff weekly so that people can get a really good.  if I'm a good fit for them or not. And then you get on a call and you talk to them about your goals and see if you guys are in alignment, because there are people out there who just wanna take your money, but it's under the guise of, I wanna help you.

But really they wanna take your money. So you just have to go with your intuition and your gut at that point to decide, is this worth investing in? . 

And do you have a great website too that I see that you offer, um, even some more information like for them, like I saw like how to use Oh yeah. A virtual assistant,

Oh yeah, yeah, I do do that. , I You have a library. . Really a great website. , I'll tell you about.

Thank you. Oh, thank you. You know, I'm very neurotic about it, so it's constantly changing. . 

No, but it, it, it has a lot of. Great resources as well. And then I, I just downloaded the pdf, how to use a virtual Assistant, which could be its own podcast in itself, but I know it really can.

I know. Tell, tell me what you think about that. Because I'm always, you know, I think different and people think different how they receive information. So I always wanna make sure that what you get as soon as you make contact with me that it's valuable. I wanna make sure, even if you don't wanna work with me, at least you walk away with something valuable for your. practice 

I think that's what makes you probably a good coach, that you really are like, giving information and knowledge out for like, for free. Yeah. And then with, and then you're there and like if they do wanna proceed with you and you guys are a good match for a coach. So that's, that's great. No, I did think that P D f, um, on your website was very valuable cuz that's something that I'm currently looking into and I was like, oh yeah, like.

Sometimes you don't know all the facets that they would be able to handle for you. Mm-hmm. . So I found it very beneficial and it saved. Oh, I'm so glad now. Yeah.  awesome. I also love that like what you do, like you have your Instagram or your social media. Your coaching, your direct care, your podcasting, um, and all these things kind of feed into it each other too, which I always, uh, think is um, beneficial for those who are looking to get into other side  hobbies as well.

Yeah. But they all fe they all help each other. Yeah. Um, I think last time we talked you may be, have been still getting out of one insurance. Are you completely out of all insurances? 



Okay. And I'm in all the insurance, not all of 'em, but majority , , you do, you know what?

I wanna share this. You do something really special and you know, you do nerve repair. You do these very specific things that only a handful of people can do. And when you're in that kind of situation, I don't think opting out is a great idea. Until you build your reputation, until you have like 20 years under your belt that you are the only one who can.  and then you can decide to pivot.

You don't wanna do something terribly unique, opt out, and then nobody knows of you. That's like, that's kind of what I did. So don't do that. But , you know, I'm not doing that. So I think that's a strategy too. Like look at what you wanna do. Mm-hmm.  and where are they coming from? And in your scenario, it's likely insurance based people, right?

Yeah. They're looking for you in their insurance network because it requires a lot of resource. , and that's why I stopped doing flaps, micro flaps, limb salvage stuff, because it just requires a lot of resources. And so I had to pivot a little bit and be like, 

it broke my heart a little bit to see you get rid of your loops on online

was like, don't, no, I, when I posted that, I started sobbing right afterwards. I was like, bawling. I wrote, I wrote my podcast. My next episode is gonna be why I was crying for no reason and. It was a true like realization that I am, you know, evolved in, in my practice and so, yeah. Yeah, that hurt a lot, . 

But you're right, it's an evolution and you're on, uh, a different path now, which sounds like it's very beneficial for, in the right path for you.

I mean, it still hurts. I'm still gonna cry about it or whatever. I was like, keep in, like use, like to, you know what, if your, uh, daughter gets a 

splinter in all life, you know what? It, it went to a good cause. Somebody else who will use it is going to give it a new life. And so I'm happy to support the future generation

Even that he was donated. Yeah. 

So now being a few years in with the director practice, like what, what, like what was the hardest part? What was the ch most challenging aspect? 

Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to start. So the hardest part about direct care is realizing. That I'm starting over. So because I was in the insurance based practice, I had this deep attachment to every person I've saw, I've seen, right?

Mm-hmm. . And realizing, making the choice to opt out for a bigger reason. I was letting go of that part of my identity, right? Where it wasn't easy for patients to find me anymore. I actually had to learn how to market better. I had to learn that what I offer has great value. So I had to learn a whole nother language.

And I think realizing, looking back, like I see how hard it is to start a starting a second business over, I had somebody reach out to me from LinkedIn who's who said, you know, what's your coaching business entail? Like, tell me the exact steps because I can't afford. To start over. And I was like, you're not a good fit.

Like this is a new business venture. You have to realize anytime you pivot within your practice, outside of your practice, you are starting over and it takes three to five years for that new thing to mature. So having pivoted so frequently in my practice, each pivot was a restart. So I had to reinvent myself over and over again.

And each time I do, it's like it's exhausting and it gets, you know, that's the hardest part is every time you make a change. You're starting over again. And so the people from my insurance based practice, the data supports, you know, like 10% will actually continue to pay you out of pocket. A hundred percent will say, I will continue to see you in front of your face because they wanna be nice.

10% or less actually show up and that's okay. And so just realizing I have to market to a new clientele is a, is a big realization. And none of that is taught anywhere in our academic training. We don't, we're not taught that we can be selective about who we see. We're taught that you need to see everybody for every dollar, for every dime, even for free

So yeah, we gotta stop that mentality we're we need to be choosier in how we run our business. 

Very, very interesting. Yes, we are taught that like, I'm like, well, I can't, I have to see, I have to see this patient or Yes. Like even, um, if you don't accept all insurances and you take call like sometimes that's, um, pro bono for right now,

Yeah. It really depends on what the end goal is. If you're doing work for. To get those cases, to get those experience for, you know, case submission. You know, that stuff. Totally different reason. But if you're running a business and you're doing a lot of stuff for free with no gain, You get like more free work to do.

That seems like a really weird proposition. , like why would you wanna keep doing free stuff for free and then to get more free stuff? I don't think so. . Very true. 

Well, if I ask the most challenging aspect, then, what has been the most rewarding aspect of, uh, transitioning to direct care? 

I have complete control in my schedule, complete control. I used to worry, like at the beginning of the pandemic, I had two full-time employees and I would worry about their job.  and I would say, look, I don't know what this pandemic was gonna bring to us cuz we had to shut down all elective cases. And so I was like, you guys better look for an employment or another job.

And that, that made me feel terrible. Cause I was like, you know, they're relying on income mm-hmm.  by working with me. So now I don't have to worry about that. Now I have, I have one employee who's part. I'm looking to grow my practice in a different way, and so I'm looking for like more type part-time workers.

And that's what I think, that's what the world is looking for is part-time work flexibility. And so the, the great part about that is if I have like a shift in my schedule, like if we had another shutdown for whatever reason, it doesn't affect me that greatly in a financial sense. I don't need to call 30 to 40 people to reschedule.

You know, I don't need to let go of my staff member and say, I can't.  you financially anymore. Like I don't have that worry because I'm secure in what I'm doing and in a day at the most I'll see 12 people and the burden of 12 people is significantly different than the burden of 30 insurance people. I can just text them and say, Hey, can we reschedule?

I can call 'em at 7:00 PM and be like, I'm sorry about the A hours. Uh, I need to reschedule. I'm double booked by. . And so the, the intimacy of my patient care relationship is so much deeper that it's, that it's, it's really wonderful. They'll, they'll hear from me and they're like, I didn't expect to hear from you.

How personal is that? And so I'm creating deeper relationships with my patients. So I think that's, I mean, that's kind of why I went into medicine in the first place, is to create these relationships and to help people in their journey, in their, their physical journey. 

On average, how long is your visit with a patient compared to when it was I.

So I come from academic background. I did the wound care fellowship in Dallas, right? And we're seeing like 20, 30 people in the hospital setting in a half day. So my pace when I left training was seeing people for one to two minutes because I was set up in a wound care center. They have support staff who did everything.

They did the measurements, the photos, the orderings, the charting. It was amazing. And I thought like two minutes was plenty with patients.  and then I got into my private practice, and two minutes is insufficient To know the patient, to know why they came to have the problems that they have, and even 15 minutes is not sufficient to learn about somebody.

So now I, I joyfully spend one hour with a new patient getting their x-rays, completing the registration process, answering questions, all of their questions, all of their concerns oftentimes are coming as a second opinion because the previous doctor. I didn't spend time with them. How funny is that? Right?

Time is so valuable. So I find myself regurgitating exactly what the previous doctors have said, but the patients were willing to pay me for that information just cuz I spent a little bit more time with them. So like if there are doctors who wanna persist and believe that a few minutes is sufficient, that's.

That's where direct care fits in. That's where we can provide additional service of peace of mind. Because you're, it's so funny. What's being missed is the clarity. Like the last doctor didn't even tell me what the diagnosis was. The last doctor just told me I needed surgery for what reason? What was the risk and benefits and all of that.

In an hour, you can, you can accomplish all that and I can talk to their family member who is supposed to be there to support them in their surgical journey. 

Yeah, that's a, that is, uh, different than if you're seeing 30 to 40 patients a day. I feel like you don't even get to know them sometimes. But that's a, you don't even get a pee break.

Probably , you can't even get a sip of water. But this is like my social hour now, like going to work is fun. Like, Knowing who's on my schedule is fun. Back then in the insurance practice, I would see all these people I didn't know on a deeper level and it was, I always had to screen my ma who roomed them.

I'm like, are they in a good mood? Like are they gonna be pissed off about something that I did? Like, I was always concerned about the energy that would come in in these interactions, cuz oftentimes people were pissed off about delaying care insurance stuff, you know, all of that stuff. And so I, by taking.

that third party payer. I have a direct relationship with the patients. I look forward to seeing them and it's totally mutual, like they get it. 

Well, for those who, so for those who are in interested in learning more and speaking with you or um, having you as their coach, where can they go to learn more about it? What's your website?

I am best found on Instagram at teadpm . That's the coaching, that's the like podcast side. And if you like what you hear and you see your future without insurance hassles and you wanna do, and you wanna know what it's about, then I invite you to listen to my podcast, the direct care way.

And I actually am also posting some of my coaching calls on the podcast. So the next one, next Tuesday. I don't know when this is gonna be live, but just check out episode 31 where I'm coaching a person on their journey into private practice in direct care. Mm-hmm. , that's cool. Like you can actually like hear a little bit of your pro process then.

Yeah. Wow. All right. And I know that, um, before we get into my final thoughts and questions, I know you also have a coupon code for any listeners. Um, good until October 31st, 2022 for, is it a hundred percent off the miniseries or 10? Listen, listen, , I was, I just read this. I'm a little bit nervous. . No, I was like, I literally was just reading.

There has to be a 10, not a hundred . So this is what I wanted to do for this community. She's A D P M. I appreciate so much what you do, who your listeners are, and I know the great benefits that people have, indirect care, including myself and those who are just even mildly interested. So I created a mini-series that takes you step by step, all of the possible questions people have asked me.

I kind of jammed it all into this mini-series webinar and I show you the exact steps that I took and are helping other people. To start transitioning and it's like three plus hours of webinars. It's a mini-series that I'm offering to the listeners of your podcast. A hundred percent off i l. Thank you so much cuz I'm gonna use

I'm gonna use this . Yeah, so, so take advantage of that, please. Okay. Because, well, number one, it does a couple things. Number one, it just introduces you to the concept of direct care. Number two, it tells you who I am. And number three, maybe it plants a seed of what your future can look. . Less busy, no less headaches, more controlling your schedule.

Doesn't that sound lovely? Oh yeah. And more money. I forgot about that part. Yeah, that part too. . No, that does sound lovely. Good too. And thank you so much for offering that to our listeners. That is, um, you're able, that coupon code will also be in the show notes, but that's, she's a D P M 100. So thank you.

That's, um, very exciting and I hope a lot of people, uh, look into your miniseries. And then I'll also have your website where, Many seriouses available along I am gonna. If people are gonna use this, like actually use it. Cause I can see who's using it. I can see your progress and if it's been sitting in the wind, I might take away your privileges.

Okay. This was a lot of work, . This is a lot of work and I want the feedback. I want to know was it valuable and what more would you like to hear of because you know it might be the next free thing that I offer. So please gimme the feedback. She's gonna call you out if you don't . I love it. Well, thank you.

All right. Final thoughts and questions. I know I've asked you these, but you know, almost, uh, we've, we're close to a year later, so any, what is something new right now that you're learning outside of podiatry? What's super funny was that the first time we talked mm-hmm. , I talked about wanting to get into ice skating with my daughter.

And I did not. So there you go, . We did two lessons and she was totally done. . She's like, you, no, this isn't it. . So outside of podiatry, which is hard cause I truly love the profession. I think it's wonderful. I'm actually thinking about, um, creating new products for my office. Um, so that's kind of in the. , uh, which is podiatry.

And that's not what you ask. So , I know it's, I'm the same way like my, like, it's just, I enjoy what I do. I enjoy the aspects around it. Like this is, this is a hobby for me. Like the podcast is a hobby. It's not, it's fun. So it's, yes, podiatry related, but it's still . I get to talk and meet people and it's fun.

I think. Yeah, I, so outside of podiatry, I'm trying to be more social. I think that is a very difficult card to play in this age, in this phase in my life and practice. Cuz I have a four year old, I have two businesses. I have like, I need rest, but I just can't seem to find it. So I'm actually trying to be more social and I'm wanting to engage in more different things.

Like I'm doing like mommy things. I'm doing things for my daughter, like with other parents. It's so wild to be. , our life is around kids, you know, so I'm actually thinking about picking up golf as a social, social sport, . Um, but we'll see how this turns out next year. You know, it might be like age skating. I dunno.

I'll ask you and be like, how was golf? And you'd be like, you don't also know , maybe tennis. Yeah. But something social also. Yeah. It's just fun to try new things anyways. Like it's okay to not wanna skate. I can just move on to the next hobby. That's why they're hobby. They're supposed to be fun . Yeah. All right.

And then is there any additional tips that you would t how about this instead of your younger self, even just a tip that you would tell yourself from your insurance based days to now your direct care ways. Like if you could tell yourself something like five years ago, what would it be? My greatest fear at the time when I was in the insurance based practice was letting go of the very first, the first insurance, like the most, the one I relied on heavily for revenue.

I was most afraid to get rid of that one, and that was the one that required the most of my overhead and paid the least. But it was, you know, it was just, for me, it was work that needed to be done. And once somebody had told me, when you start letting go of the lowest payer, , more money's going to come in.

And I was like, how does, that doesn't make no sense. Like, come on, . I see like all these people, they're, they're coming in, they're walking in. I don't even have to market. Uh, money is easy. Like, what are you talking about? And then I made the decision to finally opt out of that one. And funny enough, they were right.

I didn't make more money so fast because what happened was the, those low paying insurances, uh, took up all the appointment slots, . So I was like, so the new people who were wanting to pay cash, wanting my service and all of that, and were willing to invest in themselves, had to wait. You're waiting like weeks to months.

And I was like, that's silly. That makes no financial sense. So anyway, what I would say to myself is that you might be really afraid, but it might be the the one thing to help you pivot. So just do it, but do it wisely. Make a plan and believe the people ahead of you who have already done it, that it's gonna work.

Sit in that belief that you'll find a way to make it work. That is an excellent tip. And that's true. Like how many people reach out, they're like, well, I'm just like a afraid, like I don't, I'm just afraid to make that jump, but ah, no. Well, I'm so glad that you came back on. I always enjoyed talking with you and you always have a lot of, um, great experience ga, great tips.